Cambridge curriculum, schools in Bannerghatta Road Bangalore

It may sometimes be challenging to get your kids to complete their homework. It can be more of a concern for younger students new to doing homework daily. This account discusses some practical methods to motivate your child to do homework. Parents can apply these methods and soon find that their kids will look forward to doing their home assignments. 

How to Help Your Kids in Doing Daily Homework?

The below methods are easy and effective in encouraging your children to do daily homework of the Cambridge curriculum. In addition, your guide will help create intrinsic motivation in your children, developing a love for home assignments. 

Involvement of Parents

Parents can sit with the children while they are doing their homework. It conveys to the kids that homework is essential and their parents can guide them. Of course, it is wise not to do the assignments on their behalf. However, involving yourself in the process and guiding your kid is a great motivator. 

No Forcing

Doing homework requires intrinsic motivation in the students. Parents can help learners to complete the assignments, but the final inspiration comes from within. Compulsion will not lead to internal motivation in your children toward home assignments. Thus, it is not a good decision to force or nag kids so that they finish their homework quickly. 

Correct Labelling

Parents often refer to homework as their children’s job or duty. However, it creates a burdensome and strenuous impression surrounding the assignments. Therefore, correct labelling is needed whenever you talk about your kids’ homework or ask them to complete it. You can discuss with your children that homework is a fun way of learning to motivate them. 

Not Linking No Homework with Rewards

Another point to consider while inspiring your kids for home assignments is not to link no homework with rewards. Home assignments are essential to revise what students learn in schools in Bannerghatta Road Bangalore. Homework teaches many skills to kids, including time management and sincerity. When parents refer to no homework as a reward, it carries a wrong impression. 

Not Connecting Homework with No Playtime

Another misleading connection that parents often portray to the kids is regarding homework and playtime. Many guardians instruct their children that they cannot play unless they complete home assignments. Therefore, kids feel that homework and playtime are different categories, and the former cannot be associated with fun. So, parents can let their kids prioritize between these two aspects. Nonetheless, playtime should be healthy and not related to the screen.

Facing Consequences

If your kids disagree with doing their home assignments despite you following the above ways, you can let go. Parents can discuss with their kids the consequences they may face for not doing the homework. Some children may realize that it is better to complete the assignment after you tell them the consequences. Others may face the results to change their habit. 

You may feel that you are allowing your children to do something unrighteous. However, true motivation is always intrinsic, and they must realize the significance of home assignments themselves. Furthermore, going through this change is better at an early age instead of facing such a situation later.

The Concluding Thoughts

It is time to change the notion of associating homework with hassles. If parents do not consider home assignments as tedious tasks themselves, it will be easier to inspire their children. As seen in this post, it is possible to get kids to do their home assignments without forcing, nagging, or bribing. Thus, guardians can apply the abovementioned methods to inspire their kids to do homework.

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