There are few industries in which safety is more important than the food industry. This is why it’s so alarming that serious incident software miscalculates weight three times as often as it should. This problem has serious consequences for the food industry and consumers, who end up eating food that’s not safe to eat. In this blog post, we will explore the issue and how you can help solve it. We will also provide some tips for employers who are looking to reduce the number of food-borne illnesses in their workplace.

What is serious incident software?

Serious incident software is designed to help responders plan and allocate resources during emergencies. However, a study published in the journal BMC Public Health found that the software often miscalculates a person’s weight, leading to unnecessarily heavy dosing. The researchers used data from 30 emergency response incidents in the United States between 2010 and 2014 to study how serious incident software contributed to overdoses. They found that, on average, overdose victims received 1.5 times more than their prescribed dose of opioids following an emergency response incident when using serious incident software. In 27% of cases, this resulted in an overdose death.

The authors suggest that users check the weight of their intended victim before administering opioid doses and use alternative methods for calculating doses if serious incident software predicts a heavier weight. They also suggest that agencies use alternative tools for resource allocation in emergencies and make sure that those tools are accessible to all responders.

How does serious incident software calculate weight?

Serious incident software calculates weight by taking into account both the patient’s height and weight. The software then compares these values to a predefined threshold to determine if the patient is overweight or obese. If the patient falls within this category, their weight is recorded as being above the threshold, even if they are actually underweight. This can lead to inaccurate assessment of patients’ health and could increase their risk of developing obesity-related diseases in the future.

Serious incident software fails to take into account obesity

Serious incident software fails to take into account obesity

According to a study from the University of Missouri, serious incident software may not be taking into account obesity when calculating a person’s weight. This could potentially lead to inaccurate assessments and undeserved injuries.

Researchers analyzed data from more than 1,000 EMS calls in which paramedics were asked to provide their weight and height. The results showed that BMI (body mass index) was an unreliable predictor of weight, with incorrect assessments made up to 33% of the time. This means that those who are obese may still be underweight for the purposes of these calculations, while those who are naturally thin may be overweight.

The implications of this discovery are far-reaching.EMS personnel will now need to recalculate weights on all patients they encounter, regardless of their body type. This could lead to more accurate diagnoses and better treatment for those who need it most.


In a serious incident software miscalculates weight three people were transported to the hospital. The incident was caused when the software incorrectly calculated someone’s weight and that person then became overloaded, leading to their transport to the hospital. This is an example of how important it is for software to be accurate in order to avoid harm happening on the job.

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